What is this
This is a c(li)ommonplace book. Here, you will find traces of my love for the historian’s craft. Quotations from historical works about historiography will pop up now and then while my tired but thirsty eyes will keep on falling over numerous pages.
Sometimes, maybe I’ll add just wonderful and inspiring sentences which effectively summarize the author’s main arguments and insights on a particular historical topic.
Quotations will always be in English and, when possible, in their original language. Of course, precise bibliographical references will always be there.
“The good historian is like the giant of the fairy tale. He knows that wherever he catches the scent of human flesh, there his quarry lies.”
Marc Bloch, Benjamin Léopold, The Historian’s Craft (Manchester University Press, 1992), 22.
“Le bon historien, lui, ressemble à l’ogre de la légende. Là où il flaire la chair humaine, il sait que là est son gibier.”
Marc Bloch, Benjamin Léopold, Apologie pour l’histoire, ou, Métier d’historien, Classiques des sciences sociales (Chicoutimi: J.-M. Tremblay, 2005),18.